Saturday, September 22, 2007

Assignment 3 Aftermath

Overall, the main feed back were as follows:

a) Some of the pictures look a little 'stiff'
b) Background on some of them is too distracting
c) Use black frames for matting
d) The interpretation on the theme was interesting

Therefore I would like to actually take a step back and re-shoot some of the photos....

Effort: 40/50
Execution: 37/50
Total: 77

These values might change after the reshoot...

As for classmates, Pauls and Steph Chias photoshoots really appealed to me.

Stephs Macro stuff was really interesting, and being a macro fan myself, I can't help but feel that it looks fantastic, the closeness of the photographs and the detail for each of them was really nice.

I'd grade it 87%

Paul actually presented his buildings. And I actually liked it. I think the face on treatment really is his style and by doing all of them the same way, there is a sense of continuity throughout. Clean crisp and vivid.

I'd grade it 89%

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